Last updated 9/22/2023

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS                                                                                                
#Virtual due to COVID-19     **Canceled due to COVID-19

Invited Lectures, Symposiums, and Course Faculty: 

  1. Blasdel, G. AUA Annual Meeting, Health Equities Courses. Engaging Patients and Communities in Urological Research Course. Course Faculty. April 2023. Chicago, IL.

  2. Blasdel, G. AUA Annual Meeting, Challenges for Urologic Research Symposium. Transgender Health Symposium. Community Engagement and Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Session. “Building a New Culture of Gender-Affirming Surgery Research.” May 15, 2022. New Orleans, LA.

  3. Blasdel G, Downing J, Amarillo I, Avery C, Dy G (2020, Oct). Community Driven, Patient-Centered Research in Genital Gender Affirming Surgery: Preliminary Results and New Direction. Mini Symposium. 26th World Professional Association of Transgender Health. #

  4. Blasdel G, St. Amand C, Grimstad F, Everhart A, Barr SM (2020, Oct). Trans care consent models: Enhancing consent practices in gender affirming hormone therapy. Mini Symposium. 26th World Professional Association of Transgender Health.#

  5. Rider GN, Fadich S, Phillip, D., Blasdel G, Crowley N, St. Amand, C (2020, Oct). Touching trans bodies: The trauma informed physical exam. Mini Symposium. 26th World Professional Association of Transgender Health. #

  6. Blasdel G, Berrien L, Keo-Meier C, Bluebond-Langner R (2019, Sept). Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty: Real Talk from Intracommunity Facilitators and Clinicians. Mini-symposium. 2nd United States Professional Association for Transgender Health Scientific Conference. Washington, DC.

 Oral Abstracts:

  1. Blasdel G, Dubach-Reinhold C, Castle E, Rachel Bluebond-Langner R, Zhao LC (2023, Oct.). Outcomes of 429 Primary Robotic Peritoneal Flap Gender Affirming Vaginoplasty Cases. 1st Annual University of Michigan LGBTQ+ Health Symposium.

  2. Brown L, Chen ML, Nikolavsky D, Berli J, Blasdel G, Myers JB, Goodwin I, Dy G, Dugi D, Bizic M, Djordjevic M, Zhao LC, Santucci R, Meltzer T, Schechter L, Pariser J, Watt A, Nigriny JF, Moses RA (2023, Sept.). Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty Gender Affirming Surgery (MAPGAS) Practice Patterns. 3rd annual GURS Academic Congress. Seattle, WA.

  3. Brown L, Butcher R, Kinney L, Blasdel G, Meyers J, Nigriny J, Moses R (2023, Sept.). Patient Goal Ranking Exploration in Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty Gender Affirming Surgery (MAPGAS). 3rd annual GURS Academic Congress. Seattle, WA.  

  4. Blasdel G, Dubach-Reinhold C, Castle E, Rachel Bluebond-Langner R, Zhao LC (2023, April). Outcomes of 429 Primary Robotic Peritoneal Flap Gender Affirming Vaginoplasty Cases. American Urological Association Conference 2023. Chicago, IL.

  5. Blasdel G (2022, Nov). TRANS-PRO (Transgender And Non-binary Surgery Patient-Reported Outcomes) Registry: Building a Patient-Focused Measurement Tool for Genital Gender Affirming Surgery. Gender Affirming Perioperative Practices Summit. New York City, NY. #

  6. Robinson I, Chao B, Mishra K, Blasdel G, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R (2022, Sept.). The Staged Anterolateral Thigh Phalloplasty with Post-Lamination Urethral Lengthening. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  7. Rutherford L, Adams N, Berrian L, Blasdel G, Jennings L, Stark A, Devor A, Lachowsky N, Scheim A. Preparing Patients for Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty: Results from Patient-Reported Outcomes of Genital Reconstruction and Experiences of Surgical Satisfaction (PROGRESS). (2022, September). World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  8. Jernigan E, Blasdel G, Kloer C, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R. Management of Hypergranulation Tissue Following Robotic Peritoneal Flap Vaginoplasty (2022, Sept.). World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  9. Blasdel G, Laspro M, Parker A, Levine J, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R (2022, Sept.). Too Much of a Good Thing: Surgical Management of Macropenis After Phalloplasty. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  10. Jernigan E, Kloer C, Blasdel G, Bassale S, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R, Dy Geolani (2022, Sept.). The Effect of Social Support on Patient-Reported Outcomes in Gender-Affirming Vaginoplasty. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  11. Jernigan E, Kloer C, Blasdel G, Bassale S, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R, Dy Geolani (2022, Sept.). Greatest Challenges Reported by Gender-Affirming Vaginoplasty Patients: An International Survey. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  12. Robinson I, Rifkin W, Kloer C, Blasdel G, Parker A, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R (2022, Sept.). Hormone Management in Gender-Affirming Mastectomy. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  13. Blasdel G, Jernigan E, Kloer C, Parker A, Bluebond-Langner R, Zhao LC (2022, Sept.) Outcomes of Gender Affirming Robotic Peritoneal Flap Vaginoplasty: Ongoing Quality Improvement Over Years of High Volume Practice. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, CA.

  14. Blasdel G, Gore JL, Amarillo I, Downing J, Penkin A, Avery C, Marsiglio M, Ragosta S, Knauerhase R, Dy GW (2022, May). TRANS-ARC: Centering Trans and Nonbinary Patient Perspectives in Genital Gender Affirming Surgery Research. American Urological Association Annual Meeting - Patient Perspectives Symposium. (Inaugural AUA Patient Perspectives Symposium)

  15. Dy GW, Baunach C, Blasdel G (2021, Nov.) TRANS-PRO: Creating Multi-Center Outcomes Infrastructure for Gender-Affirming Vaginoplasty & Vulvoplasty with Community Direction. US Professional Association for Transgender Health Conference.#

  16. Robinson I, Kloer C, Rifkin W, Parker A, Blasdel G, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R (2021, Oct). Impact of perioperative testosterone on surgical outcomes in transmasculine patients undergoing gender-affirming mastectomy. Plastic Surgery the Meeting 90th Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

  17. Knauerhase R, Blasdel G, Dy GW (2021, Sep.). TRANS-ARC: Centering Trans and Nonbinary Perspectives in Genital Gender Affirming Surgery Research. The Next STEP (Supporting TNB Engagement in Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR)) Convening. Four Corners & Howard Brown’s Midwest LGBTQ Health Symposium. Chicago, IL.#

  18. Blasdel G, Kloer C, Shakir N, Parker A, Bluebond-Langner R, Zhao LC (2021, Sept). Patients with Limited Genital Tissue Achieve Optimal Dilation Outcomes in Primary Robotic Peritoneal Flap Vaginoplasty. AUA 2021 Conference. Las Vegas, NV. #

  19. Blasdel G, Dy GW (2021, July). TRANS-PRO: Creating Multi-Center Outcomes Infrastructure for Gender-Affirming Vaginoplasty & Vulvoplasty with Community Direction. Converging Crises: Transgender Professional Association for Transgender Health Conference. #

  20. Kloer C, Blasdel G, Shakir N, Zhao LC, Bluebond-Langner R. (2021, June). Does genital self-image correspond with sexual health before and after vaginoplasty? Plastic Surgery Research Council. #

  21. Robinson I, Blasdel G, Cohen O, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R. (2020, Oct). Surgical outcomes after penile reconstruction for gender dysphoria: Patient-reported outcomes from a multi-center, international survey of 129 transmasculine patients. Plastic Surgery the Meeting 89th Annual Meeting. #

  22. Robinson I, Blasdel G, Cohen O, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R. (2020, Oct). Surgical outcomes following gender-affirming penile reconstruction. Virtual World Professional Association of Transgender Health 26th Scientific Symposium. #

  23. Blasdel G, Dy G, Robinson I, Bluebond-Langner R, Zhao LC (2020, Oct). Patient-Defined Goals and Priorities of Interventions for Genital Incongruence in Transgender Men and Nonbinary People. 26th World Professional Association of Transgender Health .#

  24. Blasdel G, Robinson I, Zhao LC, Bluebond-Langner R (2020, Oct). Sexually Transmitted Infection After Penile Reconstruction Surgery. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 26th Scientific Symposium. #

  25. Blasdel G, Matthews E, Cohen O, Bluebond-Langner R (2020, Oct). Developing A Graphical Interface To Determine Patient-defined Ideals In Gender Affirming Mastectomy. 26th World Professional Association of Transgender Health. #

  26. Blasdel G & Jaffe J (2019, April). Supporting Your Patient in Appealing an Insurance Denial. 5th National Transgender Health Summit. University of California, San Francisco.

  27. Blasdel G, & Goodman A. (2019, April). Implementing an Informed Consent Hormone Therapy Model for Adolescent Minors. 5th National Transgender Health Summit. University of California, San Francisco.

  28. Belkind U, Blasdel G, Carneiro P, Domingo M, Radix A (2018, Nov.). Young Transgender Males’ Sexual and Reproductive Health: Sexually Transmitted Infections and Utilization of Preventive Services. 25th World Professional Association for Transgender Health Symposium. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Moderated Poster:

  1. Blasdel G, Chen ML, Berli J, Dy G, Dugi D, Djordjevic M, Bizic M, Zhao LC, Schechter L, Santucci R, Myers JB, Goodwin I, Nikolavsky D, Meltzer T, Watt A, Pariser J, Figler B, Kuzon W, Hadj-Moussa M, McCormick B, Brown L, Nigriny JF, Moses RA (2023, April). Urologic Outcomes Following Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty Gender Affirming Surgery (MaPGAS) with Urethral Lengthening: A Modified Delphi Consensus Study. 3rd annual GURS Academic Congress, 2023. Seattle, WA.  

  2. Blasdel G, Chen ML, Berli J, Dy G, Dugi D, Djordjevic M, Bizic M, Zhao LC, Schechter L, Santucci R, Myers JB, Goodwin I, Nikolavsky D, Meltzer T, Watt A, Pariser J, Figler B, Kuzon W, Hadj-Moussa M, McCormick B, Brown L, Nigriny JF, Moses RA (2023, April). Urologic Outcomes Following Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty Gender Affirming Surgery (MaPGAS) with Urethral Lengthening: A Modified Delphi Consensus Study. American Urological Association Conference 2023. Chicago, IL.

  3. Mishra K, Blasdel G, Alford A, Stifelman M, Eun D, Zhao LC. (2023, April). Endourologic Interventions Delay Time to Definitive Treatment for Ureteral Strictures. GURS Academic Congress. Chicago, IL.

  4. Mishra K, Blasdel G, Alford A, Stifelman M, Eun D, Zhao LC. (2023, April). Does Pre-operative Imaging Predict Post-Operative Success Rate for Upper Tract Surgery? GURS Academic Congress. Chicago, IL.

  5. Parker A, Blasdel G, Brydges H, Zhao L, Bluebond-Langner R (2022, Sept.). Mending the Gap: AlloDerm as a Safe and Effective Option for Vaginal canal in Robotic Assisted Gender Affirming Peritoneal Flap Vaginoplasty. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  6. Dubach-Reinhold C, Blasdel G, Castle E, Zhao LC, Bluebond-Langner R (2022, Sept). Comparing Electrolysis and Laser Hair Removal for Depilation of Phalloplasty Donor Flap: Patient Reported Outcomes and Satisfaction. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  7. Blasdel G, Baunach C, Dugi D, Butler C, Hotaling J, Myers J, Bluebond-Langner R, Zhao L, Agarwal C, Dy GW (2022, Sept.). TRANS (Transgender And Non-binary Surgery) Registry: Building a Patient-Focused Registry for Genital Gender Affirming Surgery. World Professional Association of Transgender Health 27th Scientific Symposium. Montreal, Quebec.

  8. Blasdel G, Castle E, Kloer C, Parker A, Bluebond-Langner R, Zhao LC (2022, May). Quantifying Time To Orgasm After Gender Affirming Vaginoplasty. American Urological Association Conference 2022.

  9. Butcher R, Luck K, Blasdel G, Kinney L, Boh B, Schifferdecker K, Myers J, Moses R. (2022, May). Decision making factors in transmasculine genital reconstruction surgery: a mixed methods study. American Urological Association Conference 2022.

  10. Blasdel, G., Matthews, E., Cohen, O., & Bluebond-Langner, R. Developing A Graphical Interface To Determine Patient-defined Ideals In Gender Affirming Mastectomy. E-poster accepted to the 65th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council. May, 2020. **

  11. Blasdel, G., Nolan, I., Harris, A., Young, E., & Hazen, A. (2020, May). Cancelled due to COVID-19. Limited Coverage Of Gender Affirming Breast And Chest Reconstruction In Insurance CPT Coding Criteria. E-poster accepted to the 65th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council.**

  12. Blasdel, G., Nolan, I., Harris, A., Young, E., & Hazen, A. (2020, June) Limited Coverage Of Gender Affirming Breast And Chest Reconstruction In Insurance CPT Coding Criteria. 8th Annual LGBT Health Workforce Conference.#

  13. Blasdel, G., & Jaffe, J.M.  Supporting Your Patient in Appealing an Insurance Denial. (September, 2019) Poster session presented at the United States Professional Association of Transgender Health, Washington, DC.

  14. Blasdel, G., Belkind, U., Harris, A., & Radix, A. (2018, November). Description and Outcomes of a Hormone Therapy Informed Consent Model for Minors. 25th World Professional Association for Transgender Health Symposium. Buenos Aires, Argentina.