4:30 PM16:30

Trans* Surgery Planning for Youth

  • 2019 New York City GSA Alliance Summit (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop will cover trans and gender non-binary surgery navigation for youth in NYC. Students will learn how to decide when they are ready for surgery, surgeons and insurance coverage options, and what to expect from the surgery planning and recovery process.

This event is ONLY open to high school students participating in a New York City GSA.

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12:00 PM12:00

Nursing Grand Rounds- SUNY Downstate

Presentation on Nursing Care of the Transgender Patient

Learning Objectives

  1. Utilize terminology to respectfully interact with trans patients and avoid violating their rights under NYC discrimination law
  2. Describe barriers to care for trans people and become familiar with trans-specific health and wellness resources in NYC
  3. Gain an understanding of hormonal and surgical treatment options for trans patients
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3:00 PM15:00

Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty Show and Tell

@Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference in Phildelphia, PA
3:00PM- 4:00PM

This is an 18+, closed space for transmasculine spectrum people (AFAB non-binary, men of trans experience, AFAB genderqueer, transsexual men, transguys, etc) to witness the experience of transmasculine spectrum people who have had genital surgery. Partners, medical providers, family members, and friends who are not transmasculine should not attend. No exceptions will be made. People who have had genital surgery will be invited to share their experience and answer questions. Please attend other workshops to familiarize yourself with the procedures of genital surgery before attending this workshop.

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1:45 PM13:45

Transmasculine Genital Surgery in the 21st Century

@Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference in Phildelphia, PA
1:45PM- 2:45PM

Decades of inequality in access and a lack of published research coming from providers in the United States has led to community myths and misconceptions about genital surgery. This workshop will arm attendees with current, concrete information and resources on surgery. We will discuss metoidioplasty and phalloplasty techniques, data on risks and complications, and pre- and post- op care recommendations. This workshop is open to all attendees (including partners, families, and medical providers) 18 and older who feel ready to engage in a workshop on an emotionally loaded topic without policing the bodies or identities of others, where a variety of choices and motivations for genital surgery will be recognized and affirmed, and where photos of genital surgery will be displayed.

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10:15 AM10:15

Top Surgery: An Overview of Chest Reduction Surgeries

@Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference in Phildelphia, PA
10:15AM- 11:15AM

This presentation will cover a variety of surgical techniques to reduce chest tissue for transgender people, incorporating a wide range of identities, bodies, and surgical choices. We will also discuss how to find surgeons, how to find and evaluate pictures of top surgery online, pre- and post- op expectations, and insurance coverage. This workshop is open to all attendees (including partners, families, and medical providers) who feel ready to engage in the workshop without policing the bodies or identities of others, where a variety of choices and motivations for chest surgery will be recognized and affirmed, and where pre- and post- op photos of chests will be displayed.

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9:00 AM09:00

Surgery Planning for Minors and Families

@Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference in Phildelphia, PA
9:00AM- 10:00AM

This workshop will cover surgery navigation for youth ages 13-21, youth can choose to bring family members and friends. Young people will learn about what their options are in terms of surgery, how to know when they are ready, and what to expect from the surgery planning and recovery process. We will talk primarily about chest reduction surgeries and vaginoplasty, including field reports from case managers helping patients navigate insurance coverage and surgeons who are performing these surgeries on minors.

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4:15 PM16:15

Facial Gender Confirming Surgery

@Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference in Philadelphia, PA
4:15PM- 5:15PM

This presentation focuses on the work of Dr. Douglas Ousterhout, the originator of the group of techniques still utilized today in “Facial Feminization” surgeries. There is no one way to be or look feminine, and we will not spend a lot of time discussing the characteristics of a “female face.” This workshop will primarily cover the various techniques of facial gender surgery to meet your individual goals as Dr. Ousterhout conceived them for transgender women, and features photos of his trans women patients. This workshop is also open to gender non-binary people and trans men who are interested in the application of facial surgeries to their trans needs.

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3:00 PM15:00

Trans Hysterectomy Discussion

@Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference in Philadelphia, PA
3:00PM- 4:00PM

This is a presentation and guided discussion on internal gonad surgeries for trans people, most commonly hysterectomy and oophorectomy. We will discuss why one might want these surgeries in the first place, what the differences between different surgical techniques and methods are, reproductive material harvesting and storage, what to expect pre- and post-op, and how to advocate for yourself through this process with your healthcare providers. All TGNC people are welcome for whom these surgeries would be appropriate for their body, regardless of specific identity and previous or planned surgical choices

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2:00 PM14:00

Trans Hysterectomy Discussion Workshop

@ The New Conference in Stamford, CT

This is a presentation and guided discussion on internal gonad surgeries for trans people, most commonly hysterectomy and oophorectomy. We will discuss why one might want these surgeries in the first place, what the differences between different surgical techniques and methods are, reproductive material harvesting and storage, what to expect pre- and post-op, and how to advocate for yourself through this process with your healthcare providers. All TGNB people are welcome for whom these surgeries would be appropriate for their body, regardless of specific identity and previous or planned surgical choices

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10:30 AM10:30

Transmasculine Genital Surgery in the 21st Century

@ The New Conference in Stamford, CT
10:30AM - 12:15 PM

Decades of inequality in access and a lack of published research coming from providers in the United States has led to community myths and misconceptions about genital surgery. This workshop will arm attendees with current, concrete information and resources on surgery. We will discuss metoidioplasty and phalloplasty techniques, data on risks and complications, and pre- and post- op care recommendations. This workshop is open to all attendees (including partners, families, and medical providers) 18 and older who feel ready to engage in a workshop on an emotionally loaded topic without policing the bodies or identities of others, where a variety of choices and motivations for genital surgery will be recognized and affirmed, and where photos of genital surgery will be displayed.

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6:30 PM18:30

The Tool Shed Monthly Support Group

The Tool Shed is the nations first peer-led bottom surgery support group for people planning or recovering from Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty procedures. We are not associated with any surgeon or surgical team.

We meet every 4th Wednesday of the month, from 6:30-8pm. We are hosted by the Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at 275 7th Ave, 12th Floor. 

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6:30 PM18:30

Tool Shed Monthly Support Group

The Tool Shed is the nations first peer-led bottom surgery support group for people planning or recovering from Phalloplasty and Metoidioplasty procedures. We are not associated with any surgeon or surgical team.

We meet every 4th Wednesday of the month, from 6:30-8pm. We are hosted by the Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at 275 7th Ave, 12th Floor. 

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